Gallery Representation: DO YOUR HOMEWORK

For most kids when we were growing up, there was always a parent who said, “Do Your Homework! How do you expect to learn anything if you don’t do your homework?!”  In my house, it was much more subtle … Dad was a general in the Army and all it took was THE LOOK (full of love, but THE LOOK, nonetheless.)

Lessons in life that we learned at an early age are very valid in adulthood. How to establish a professional relationship was being learned as we grew and interacted with parents and teachers.  If you did your homework, you would be rewarded with recognition and good grades.

This same rule applies today when applying to a gallery.  DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  The gallery director is “Mrs. Joyce” who is an excellent “teacher” but will be quite annoyed with you if you haven’t done your homework.  Everyone else in ABSTRACT class (the gallery) has done their homework, that is why they are in the class (gallery.)  “Mrs. Joyce” does not want to waste the time of the other students (artists) trying to bring you up to speed because you did not do your homework!  She is baffled that you would waste her time and yours in her ABSTRACT class (gallery) with your impressionistic Western art.  You wouldn’t turn in your physics homework to your English Comp teacher, so why would you turn in your western art homework to your abstract teacher.

THE OZARKS 12 X 12It is such an easy first step.  Is the gallery a right fit for you?  What type of art do they carry?  Sculptural, abstract, impressionism, textiles … what is THEIR focus?  Have you been in the gallery?  How did they treat you as a possible buyer?Is the gallery director someone in which you wish to interact?  Have you talked to artists they represent?  Are THEY making money?  Do they get paid in a timely manner?  And for the love of all that is holy, did you take the time to find out their submission policy?

DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  You are a busy person just like the gallery owner.  Why would you waste your time and money approaching a gallery that would not be a good fit for you?  Be professional and do your homework.

Earn that gold star on your homework! (Dad would be proud!)
Earn gallery representation!

Jaquita Phillips Ball


Marketing for the Professional Visual Artist

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