By Jaquita Phillips Ball

Being an artist, expressing myself in COLOR, is what keeps me sane.  Not always sane as the world wishes to see me, but sane nonetheless.

I can express crazy feelings in the paint and pastels in a way that the world may not understand, but for me it is very cathartic.  Like when I am angry, I use a tremendous amount of red and dark grays.  Happiness and a feeling of “no cares today” will bring about a lot of yellows, whites, oranges, lime green, maybe a dash of pink.

Acrylic painting, 16" x 20", Snow on the Pedernal

Snow on the Pedernal

Blues, for me, signify that I am in a state of restless calm, but I could also be nearing a precipice of volatile emotion or unnerving uneasiness. Blue also happens to be one of my favorite colors.  I am a restless wanderer.

Green, well I really do not care much for the color green except in nature, so it is not a color I relish.  In fact, I tend to mix my greens with purples and oranges … who knows why … I am sure some psychologist or psychiatrist would tell me I harbor some deep-seated emotion about a past event that included the color green.

I just know that my art is how I express life.

Blue Horse pastel painting

Blue Horse

White or silver … I consider both to be colors.  Today it is April and it is snowing.  The air smells clean and white, with a touch of crisp blue.  What, you ask, you can smell color?  You do if you open yourself to it.  Takes a clear mind, but it is there.

Purple means a carefree day, life is good.  On top of the world, purple is a regal color.  Remember the song lyrics “purple mountains majesty”?

This brings me to my style of art.  It is simply C O L O R.  Many have asked me if I am an impressionist (maybe), a realist (I was in college), illustrative (part of my work history), minimalist (nope, I cannot stay simple), abstract (never really tried yet), mixed media (depends on who is defining my work).  I think I will just start saying I am a colorist.  I love color and I love to express it.

COLOR.  It keeps me sane.  Today I feel purple, orange and whiteGo figure …

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4 Responses to COLOR SANITY

  1. You have some genuinely beneficial information composed here. Good job and keep posting good stuff. is my blog.

  2. Beautiful work, I love the donkeys on your site and the political cartoon, too! Ironically I found you on a Linked in group, in a discussion about trying to “Like” things from your Facebook business page, and at this moment this blog is trying to make me post as my Facebook personal page. They really do seem to try and force that, though not sure why.

    • Jaquita Ball says:

      Thanks, Cindy, for your wonderful comments. Donkeys tend to be a focus of many of my paintings. I love their stubbornness and gentleness. They seem to carry the wisdom of the ages … sorry, that probably sounds a little sappy, but they have been humankind’s beast of burden for so long!

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