Tag Archives: art marketing


By Jaquita Phillips Ball RED CAT ART & ART MARKETING www.JaquitaBall.com Being an artist, expressing myself in COLOR, is what keeps me sane.  Not always sane as the world wishes to see me, but sane nonetheless. I can express crazy … Continue reading

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OUTSIDER ART … My Love for Unusual Art

by Jaquita Phillips ball american artist red cat art marketing Outsider art is generally an acquired taste.  To the uninitiated, it could appear to be the drawings of someone’s child.  When our little family began to first collect this form … Continue reading

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Five Steps to a Creative Spark

Some days you just hold that lump of clay in your hand and want to fling it at the wall.  For reasons unknown, your brain seems to have turned to mush and cannot generate a single creative idea.  You sit … Continue reading

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Gallery Representation: DO YOUR HOMEWORK

For most kids when we were growing up, there was always a parent who said, “Do Your Homework! How do you expect to learn anything if you don’t do your homework?!”  In my house, it was much more subtle … … Continue reading

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